jueves, 30 de mayo de 2013


Narrative Paragraph 
The international congress was an important event organized in Florencia. The nine and ten of May, this event started in the morning with some plenaries by teachers. The plenaries were interesting and nice. Really the best was the first plenary by Jaime Acajima from Peru because he was very funny, honest and candid.  In general, the event was successful because it was very well organized.

Opinion Paragraph
The first international congress was a good event organized by teachers of Universidad de la Amazonia. In that event, some universities were invited. Some plenaries were good but for me the best were:  Creating emotionally safe classroom by Jaime Acajima. Functional approach to building academic writing skills by Reid Evans and Wilde Escobar and finally, I speak two languages, Body and English by Valeriya Lytvychenko and Liubava Sichko.

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